Thursday, January 31, 2013

Caring for Your Bridesmaids....

The time leading up towards your wedding can be very stressful and emotional. Your bridesmaids are there to offer you any support you need, whether it lending their ears to listen to your woes about the caterer to matching the loops to the right buttons when bustling the train. It's important to remember your bridesmaids are giving up a significant chunk of their free time and money; they live busy lives of their own and can't make their world revolve your wedding. Treat them with courtesy and respect!!

Below are some Do's and Don'ts:

Do start things off right with a get together or at least some form of communication introducing the girls to one another; providing contact information.

Do give your bridesmaids plenty of notice regarding dates and deadlines. You can delegate a lot of this to your MOH, which will help ease your mind.

Do provide your bridesmaids with information regarding what you want to see on your wedding day: dress, jewelry, hairstyle, shoes and so on...If you decide to gift your bridesmaids with these item(s) its not only generous but also a great way to exercise some control over style. 

Do be courteous of your bridesmaids body types and skin tones when choosing a style and color for their dresses. You want to them to be comfortable. 

Don't put too much pressure or expectations on your bridesmaids. They are special to you (reason why you selected them to be in your wedding) Your wedding should not be another full job for them, they are here to help support you. 

Don't misbehave - you can ruin life long relationships - always treat your bridesmaids with respect. 

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  1. Good info. I think a lot of brides forget about the relationship and why they asked this person to be a bridesmaid in the first place.

  2. I think that as long as brides outline expectations in the beginning…their bridesmaids can know what they are getting into and be able to decline the invite and salvage their friendship if they can't commit. Thanks for the advice RSVPbyB!

  3. Thank you for this post, sometimes bridesmaids don't get a lot of love in the wedding planning process :)
